Reuters: Investing in China
August 10, 2023 —
Technology curbs on China
Running Point and its chief investment officer, Michael Ashley Schulman, CFA, were quoted by Reuters in an article — by Shashwat Chauhan, Amruta Khandekar, Chibuike Oguh, Laura Matthews, Herbert Lash, Davide Barbuscia, and Michelle Price, “US investors flag retaliation risks after Biden’s China tech curbs” — regarding U.S. policy on technology investments in China, concern that Beijing would retaliate, and possible investor reaction.
The article was also picked up by U.S.News, Yahoo!News, BNN, Trend (Austria), Borastek (Türkiye), Line and CNyes (China), Hindustan News, The Jakarta Post, BisNis, and PosPapua (Indonesia), and The Straights Times (Singapore), amongst others.
China investment exposure
We have questioned China exposure for a while because of their real estate crisis, burgeoning debt across municipalities, and doubt as to how well they’d snap back post-pandemic; as such, we’ve also been cautious about exposure across our private and alternative investments.
Article excerpt is below:
Some portfolio investors are also reducing their exposure to China. Michael Ashley Schulman, chief investment officer at Running Point Capital Advisors, said some clients had already asked for reduced or zero China exposure via stocks, bonds and ETFs.
“After the government’s announcement, I suspect that we may receive a few more similar requests,” he said.
In Hungarian: Mivel olyan befektetők, mint Michael Ashley Schulman a Running Point Capital Advisorsnál, észrevették a kínai kitettség csökkentésére irányuló kéréseket, a piaci trendek összetettek. Az oldalvonalak egyre zsúfolódnak az amerikai magántőke- és kockázatitőke-befektetőkkel, akik világos szabályokra várnak, valamint néhány portfólióbefektetővel, akik csökkentik a kínai kitettséget.
In Indonesian: Michael Ashley Schulman, kepala investasi di Running Point Capital Advisors, mengatakan beberapa klien telah meminta pengurangan atau tanpa paparan China melalui saham, obligasi, dan ETF. Bahkan, Schulman juga memperkirakan bahwa setelah pengumuman dari pemerintah, maka mereka akan menerima beberapa permintaan yang serupa.
In Chinese: Running Point Capital Advisors 首席投資長 Michael Ashley Schulman 表示:「一些客戶已經要求通過股票、債券和 ETF 減少或零投資中國。拜登政府宣布進一步限制之後,我們可能會收到更多類似的請求。」
Those who eat with one chopstick will stay hungry.
Chinese Proverb
Disclosure: The opinions expressed are those of Running Point Capital Advisors, LLC ( Running Point) and are subject to change without notice. The opinions referenced are as of the date of publication, may be modified due to changes in the market or economic conditions, and may not necessarily come to pass. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Forward-looking statements cannot be guaranteed. Running Point is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Running Point’s investment advisory services and fees can be found in its Form ADV Part 2, which is available upon request. RP-23-78
Originally published at on August 11, 2023.